Why should you fill your car tyres with Nitrogen?
What is Nitrogen?
It is a chemical element with the symbol N and atomic number 7. As a non-toxic, colourless, odourless unreactive gas, it forms about 78 per cent of the earth's atmosphere. Liquid nitrogen (made by distilling liquid air) is used as a coolant.
What are the advantages of Nitrogen use in tyres?
- Tyres run cooler - because it is a pure gas, it does not hold heat.
- It can reduce tyre pressure variation caused by changes in tyre temperature.
- Oxidation is blocked. It does not oxidize the tyre rubber from the inside, as air does.
- Extend tyre life.
- Nitrogen is a green alternative.
- Better fuel consumption.
- Less frequent pressure checks are needed.
With how much Nitrogen should tyres be filled?
- The normal air you put into tyres already has about 78% nitrogen
- The balance consist of dry air consists(21%) and the rest is CO2, water vapour, some neon, argon, and small amounts of other gases.
Disadvantages of Nitrogen
- Once you have filled your tyres with nitrogen, it is necessary that you have to refill with nitrogen only!
- Although mostly free across Southern Africa, not all service stations have the capacity to fill/refill.
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Posted on Sep 21, 2020 by Auto Repair Directory